Today was one of those really really really rough work days. I mean seriously difficult work days. Not just any random workday that happens, but the icing on the top of a really bad couple of weeks. It's tough to handle those situations, but what can I do? I have a few things that I tend to fall back on during these tough times:
Number one is to always sit down, ease your mind and just pray. Praying is hard. Now I can imagine that there are plenty of people who are gifted in this area that have no problems, but this is definitely not me. I always have a hard time trying to figure out what I should pray for, or have more trust in powers outside of my control. Well, I figure you only get better with practice, and well, I can pray for that too.
Number two is more of a distraction that anything else. Rather than dwelling on things that happen in the office (or your home office), you can dive deep into an interesting problem set. Keeping your focus on side projects is a great outlet. Heck, I think that is what this frequent blog is all about.
Number three is great if you really need to talk out some stuff. It works especially best when you have a friend that knows how to listen. A lot of times when I'm having a tough time, I don't need a solution but rather a friend that can hear me out and then cheer me up.
Number four is the toughest. This is another solution that works well with some people, but I have trouble with it. It's hard to sit back and enjoy what is going on when you are burdened with stuff. Sometimes I'm able but sometimes I'm not. Usually what works with me is #2 with a good cup of coffee, or playing video games with my son.
At the end of the day, I have to remember that I'm insanely blessed. While it can be incredibly hard to think about that or even dwell on all the great things happening around me, I just have to keep trying =)